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捕鱼能上下分客服:Mingli College Teaching Committee symposium was held

At noon on December 4, Mingli College Teaching Committee symposium was held. Liu Guohua, Vice president of the School of Environment, Zhang Xiao, Vice president of the School of Information, Yin Jianxin, Vice president of the School of Statistics, Mu Cheng, deputy director of the Department of Chemistry, Wang Shancai, Deputy director of the Department of Physics, Huang Zhiyong, deputy director of the School of Mathematics, Dou Zhicheng, deputy director of the Hillhouse Artificial Intelligence School, and Zhou Weijie, director of the Office of the Institute of Statistics and Big Data, attended the meeting. Meng Bin, Secretary of the College Party Committee and deputy director of the College Construction and Management Center, An Zhiwei, executive director of the College Construction and Management Center, Hua Jianguang, deputy director of the College Construction and Management Center and vice president of Mingde College, and all the staff of Mingli College attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Xu Wangli, Deputy Director of the College Construction and Management Center and Vice President of Mingli College.

At the beginning of the meeting, An Zhiwei introduced the new college construction plan of the school, the recent key work and the next step of work. The meeting listened to the opinions and suggestions of various departments on the construction of new colleges.

The meeting discussed the "Six one" special activities of the undergraduate talent training innovation action plan, the construction of the freshman seminar course of science and technology, and the quality improvement plan of the department's common course. Each department discussed the training program, student scientific research, department common curriculum construction, book list construction and other specific issues.
